Friday, May 27, 2011

What's That Racket?

Life is what you make it. At least, that's what a lot of people like to say, but for me life is what other people make. Allow me to explain, but in order to do that I'll have to take you back a few years.

I was born in the desolate wasteland of the Northwest Territories, Canada. During my early years the music I heard was mostly classical, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Raffi, and a handful of Canadian folk singers. Aside from my older siblings playing the odd Cranberries, New Kids on the Block or House of Pain record, that was pretty much it. Music has been the thing I hold on to most of all out of all my loves (and by "loves" I mean both entertainment and people,) however, my horizons have expanded significantly since my days as a wee boy.

The tv I watched was mostly Disney, Don Bluth and Arthur. Although, I was eventually deemed old enough to watch Star Wars and I managed to watch the odd episode of TMNT and Ren & Stimpy without the folks knowing (I think they read my stuff too, so like, sorry Mom and Dad, but the concept of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was too awesome to pass up.) Unlike my relationship with music, I expanded my cinephilia hasn't gone much further than cartoons. I loved cartoons then, I do now, and I probably always will.

My older brother passed down his love of comic books, and my three older sisters passed down their love of fantasy novels. Both of which I now have a modest, but growing collection (they take up a whole shelf!)

One thing I brought to the table in my family was a love for video games. I was given an NES by a cousin and I was forever doomed. Unfortunately, contrary to almost everything other form of entertainment, as my tastes developed it got harder to enjoy more games. I think out of everything, this particular area is where I tend to get the snobbiest (which is kind of hilarious.) If a game isn't absolutely flawless, or at least do one or two things amazingly well, I get bored and move on to something else. This is an unfortunate truth about most of the video game industry. I am especially a sucker for good writing.

So as you can see, aside from a few other minor interests (houseplants, alcohol, and a weird relationship with philosophy,) my hobbies and interests revolve around one thing. Despite my parents best efforts, that one thing is the entertainment industry, or I guess I could more charitably say "art."

I enjoy making my own stuff; I play guitar pretty well, I'm pretty good at drawing cartoons, I write some stuff that I hope is at least a little bit thought provoking. However, I don't really excel at any of these things, nor do I particularly care to. There's one thing I'm really good at, though. Talking. I can talk for ages about the shit that I like, and that's what I'll be doing here. From here on out, I'll be reviewing games, albums, books, bands, genres, movies, comics or whatever bit of media strikes my fancy. It might be up to date, or it might be something from the 1980's. I don't even know if anybody will find this place of any use to them, but then again, the times where I've been particularly useful are few and far between, so why should this be any different.

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